In the recent years, the Chinese automotive market has become increasingly important for all car manufacturers, and especially for those considered to be in the premium segment. Growth rates in the high double-digit, and even three-digit are non uncommon and the trend continues to exist upward.

Nigh powerful premium manufacturer in People's republic of china continues to be the Ingolstadt-based automaker Audi, the first premium carmaker to start building some of their cars on Chinese soil, a motion that earned favors from the government.

BMW and Mercedes-Benz take recently began increasing their local production, simply have yet to manage overtake Audi. However, the sales numbers in the last iii months prove bully growth rates, an boilerplate of 90.3 per centum for Mercedes and 79 percent for BMW. Audi's growth rate was significant lower, 23.v percentage.

BMW 5er F18 Langversion China 655x436 But in absolute terms, Audi is however relatively well alee of BMW and Mercedes – 56, 970 units in September, October and November, compared to 46,419 for BMW and 41, 600 for Mercedes.

BMW is looking optimistic at their hereafter in Prc. In November, Munich-based automaker was on par with Audi, but it is not clear whether this is a snapshot of a permanent situation.

In the start eleven months of the year, BMW has sold 152,866 vehicles in China, an increment of 90 pct compared to the same menses last year. The total premium market in the aforementioned menstruum "only" grew 70 percent.

Being successful on the Chinese market has go a priority for BMW, a large automotive market that grows yr-after-yr and where future premium electric vehicles volition play an important part.

[Source: BimmerToday ]