Commentary: We need to talk about how Donald Trump’s presidency wasn’t a complete disaster

SINGAPORE: "It's a sad twenty-four hour period," Senior Government minister Teo Chee Hean said after watching shocking scenes of protesters storm the The states Capitol on Wednesday (Jan 6), forcing lawmakers to flee.

And then the once-unimaginable happened: Social media giants Facebook and Twitter banned sitting President Donald Trump. The US Congress moved forward on a second impeachment.

Fingers have been pointed - to Mr Trump'southward demagoguery and the Republican Party for getting into bed with him and his base of operations of "deplorables".

Simply this national soul-searching will need fourth dimension and distance for the full implications to be understood, with few historical antecedents to accept guidance from. Parallels have been fatigued to the 1860s Civil State of war.

READ: Commentary: The nightmarish end to Donald Trump's presidency

READ: Commentary: Facebook'south eleventh-hour pause of Trump's business relationship raises questions about its motives


America, nonetheless, seems almost also prepare to move on.

The US saw an "insurrection" ii weeks agone. Then impeachment last week. This week's inauguration of President Joe Biden will provide the turn of the page Americans desire, wrapping work up in three mere weeks.

More than a dozen executive orders accept been signed on Mr Biden'southward kickoff day, undoing his predecessor'south policies.

And with Democrats winning equal control of the Senate and Vice President Kamala Harris presiding over it, it'due south fourth dimension to exit this dark chapter of US history, many Americans say.

READ: Commentary: How Joe Biden won the 2022 U.s. presidential election

It's understandable if Americans want to press on from Mr Trump. These past four years have been confusing, with the leader of the most powerful country consistently brushing bated established rules, norms and niceties.

A big bold line must exist drawn on inciting assaults on sacred political institutions, spreading lies undermining the legitimacy of an election and sowing divisions. Mr Trump not merely misled a huge part of the electorate, he all simply called for an aroused mob to overturn the election results and sack Congress.

Supporters of President Donald Trump climb the Westward wall of the the Us Capitol on Wed, January. half-dozen, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

But while Mr Trump volition get his only desserts, with impeachment underway, strident liberals seem to be adopting a binary arroyo in wanting anything, everything, to practice with him out. They sound similar they want to wipe his assistants clean from the face of the Earth.

That is worrying. Mr Biden faces a momentous chore in carving out a new path simply a zealous purge to annihilate all Mr Trump has done risks throwing the baby out with the Trumpism water.

Doing and then could meet important policies that have benefited America, Americans and the world torn up.

READ: Commentary: Donald Trump, half of America's fantasy hero

READ: Commentary: This impeachment is dissimilar. Pity information technology might not go as planned


For one, Mr Trump has presided over ane of the strongest economic rallies in US history.

While the seeds might accept been sown years before, Mr Trump'south aggressive, expansionary agenda of deregulation, higher government spending, revenue enhancement cuts and pressure on the US Federal Reserve spurred the economy despite the economist consensus in 2022 the US had reached full employment.

He brought back US$1 trillion of investments to American shores, encouraged more Americans than ever to find a task, and boosted median households income by nigh x per cent since 2016.

READ: Commentary: With the Democrats firmly in accuse in the US, we tin expect frontwards to economic gains

These take benefited the broad eye of Americans. Poverty rates for youths, Asian, Black and Hispanic Americans reached celebrated lows.

Due credit for his economic programmes is frequently lacking.

His tax cuts have more often than not been framed every bit pandering to the super-rich, when technical policy nuances shaping commercial decisions for the greater good were missed.

Incentives to create new opportunities in impoverished communities to spur Us$100 billion in long-term capital investment, which were role of the aforementioned tax cut package, received less attending for example.

Supporters of U.Southward. President Donald Trump gather nigh the newly painted Blackness Lives Matter mural to protestation outside of Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, New York City on Jul xi, 2020. (File photo: REUTERS/Andrew Kelly)

His assistants also deserves praise in the area of securing intellectual belongings rights. Copyright laws for the music manufacture were strengthened, guaranteeing music producers a share of the spoils in a digital world where Spotify dominates our listening choices. All the same Kanye West's rambling at the signing received attention instead.

Overall, investor outlook remains potent, with the South&P 500 upward by virtually half since Trump's 2022 election win. Us manufacturers expressed some of the strongest optimism about the futurity in xx years.

COVID-19 may take wiped out most of these gains and singlehandedly lost Mr Trump the election. His horrendous management of the pandemic - in perpetuating falsehoods on the cause, cure and China, and undermining the piece of work of the Usa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention not to mention private states - was likewise inexcusable.

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Just whatever economy could scarcely hope to escape the pandemic unscathed.

Mr Trump has also done more for women and minorities than the conventional narrative suggests. Mr Trump presided over the expansion of help for women, in getting tougher on sexual practice trafficking, setting an example by providing paid parental leave for federal authorities employees and ensuring mothers have breastfeeding spaces in airports.

His administration also championed criminal justice reforms to tackle outdated sentencing laws unduly affecting minorities. Perhaps the outrage here was his Showtime Step Deed not going far enough.


Attacked at dwelling house, with allegations involving Russia, Robert Mueller and "gold showers" swirling, the world had expected Mr Trump to focus on domestic issues and neglect global affairs. Instead, he went on the offensive.

France'due south President Emmanuel Macron and Federal republic of germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel wait at U.S. President Donald Trump during a family photo opportunity at the NATO leaders pinnacle in Watford, Britain on December iv, 2019. (Photograph: REUTERS/Christian Hartmann)

He made NATO allies increase defence spending instead of free-riding on the The states security umbrella. He wagged the finger at North Korea's nuclear program.

And he focused American minds on the Asia-Pacific, where managing U.s.-People's republic of china relations has emerged every bit the indisputable chief strange policy priority that generally enjoys bipartisan consensus.

In fact, reading terminal week's freshly declassified national security documents outlining the U.s.a.' Indo-Pacific strategy suggests a tick on many policy goals in these boxes over the last few years.

READ: Commentary: Trump's playbook on China in the South China Sea has some lessons for the Biden administration

READ: Commentary: Parts of Asia will miss Donald Trump's tough China policy

Part of this was enabled considering Mr Trump created huge manoeuvering space in the Middle East for the Us. Islamic Land leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is no more. United states of america troops in Afghanistan have been fatigued down to their lowest levels since 2001. Israel has normalised ties with one more Arab country.

Function of information technology was Mr Trump'due south focus on Red china from day 1, through his executive orders on 5G, Chinese Big Business and more, though these accept created fresh tensions and may have sparked an unhealthy zero-sum dynamic.

Notwithstanding, under Mr Trump, American brownie in taking swift, decisive action has been restored. US rebalancing towards Asia has accelerated.

The question may be whether the American foreign policy establishment can reconcile how a leader who took actions they considered thuggish, even reckless, achieved these ends. The reply may be more than complex than Mr Trump's critics wish.

His penchant for unilateral action may have riled many partners, including Japan, Republic of korea and more than who became collateral harm in his trade war but they accept no illusions such painful adjustments in United states of america-China trade relations were coming.

READ: Commentary: Subsequently a stormy few years, verdict on Trump's trade war with China is articulate

Indeed, many observers here focus on his conspicuous absence at Asean-led summitry, merely clear-eyed Asian states know their interests are served when the Us continues to be engaged in this region, albeit in other means, having been long used to the US' no-show during George Due west Bush's presidency.

But to be certain, his bypassing of multilateral groupings and international institutions like the World Trade Organization was a pity.

He would have achieved stronger global support on tightening trade regulations and reining in countries that exercise not play past the rules.

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Mr Trump does non deserve all credit. It is true a Democrat president might conceivably accept accomplished all this or more than, when policies sometimes happen only because of time, adventure and a complex mix of politics and horse-trading amongst activists, advocates and lawmakers.

President Donald Trump announced he will not nourish Joe Biden's inauguration -- the first time since 1869 an outgoing US president will stay away from the swearing-in of his successor AFP/JIM BOURG

In this, his administration's short track tape hither probably speaks to the resilience of the American political system and the continuity across administrations, regardless of which party is in accuse, more Democrats and Republicans care to acknowledge.

Simply these few examples should dispel the monster myth the last four years were a total disaster and nothing but a stain on America's record.

And judged past this brief account here, there were more than a few wins for America and the world during these 4 years when a homo named Donald Trump was president.

Listen to Prof Chan Heng Chee and BowerGroupAsia Managing Director James Carouso explicate how America came to exist then deeply divided amid a bitterly fought election on CNA'southward Centre of the Affair podcast episode published in November 2020:

Lin Suling is executive editor at CNA Digital News where she oversees the Commentary section and hosts the Center of the Matter podcast.


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