What Did Ezekiel Suggest as the Reason Why Some People Are Attracted to Racist Hate Groups?

Many academic studies, government reports and news articles have analyzed the role of faith (or the misinterpretation of religious concepts and scripture) in radicalizing Muslims and mobilizing them to wage "Holy War" against their enemies around the globe. Few accept discussed how correct-wing extremism exploits Christianity and the Bible to radicalize and mobilize its violent adherents toward criminality and terrorism. Much like Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, vehement right-fly extremists — who refer to themselves as "Soldiers of Odin," "Phineas Priests," or "Holy Warriors" — are also inspired by religious concepts and scriptural interpretations to lash out and kill in the name of organized religion. All the same very little is said or written about such a connection.

White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-ballgame adherents employ religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence. This discussion of religious extremism should not be confused with someone existence extremely religious. It should likewise not be misconstrued equally an assault on Christianity. Rather, it represents an exploration of the links between violent correct-wing extremism and its exploitation of Christianity and other religions to gain a better understanding of how American extremists recruit, radicalize and mobilize their adherents toward violence and terrorism.

White Supremacy

Researchers accept long known that white supremacists, such as adherents of Christian Identity (a racist, antisemitic religious philosophy) and racial Nordic mythology, utilize faith to justify acts of violence and condone criminal action. Bottom known are the ways other white supremacy groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Creativity Motility (formerly known every bit the Church of Creator or World Church building of the Creator), incorporate religious teachings, texts, and symbolism into their group ideology and activities to justify violating the law and committing violent acts.

The Kloran, a universal KKK handbook, features detailed descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of various KKK positions, ceremonies, and procedures. In that location are many biblical references in the Kloran, as well as biblical symbolism in the detailed KKK ceremonies. Likewise, the KKK's primary symbol (east.g. "Blood Drop Cross" or Mystic Insignia of a Klansman) — a white cross with a ruby-red tear drop at the center — symbolizes the atonement and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and those willing to die in his name.

A bottom-known white supremacist group is the neo-Nazi Inventiveness Movement. Ben Klassen is credited with creating this new religion for the white race in Florida in 1973. Klassen authored ii primary religious texts for the Creativity Movement; "Nature's Eternal Religion" and "the White Man's Bible." Inventiveness emphasizes moral behave and behavior for the white race (e.g. "your race is your religion") including its "Xvi Commandments" and the "Five Cardinal Beliefs of Creativity." Klassen had a vision that every worthy fellow member of the Creativity religion would become an ordained minister in the Church.

Ii other examples of entirely racist religious movements inside white supremacy are the Christian Identity move and racist Nordic mythology. The Christian Identity motion is comprised of both cocky-proclaimed followers who operate independently and organized groups that meet regularly or fifty-fifty live within insular communities. In contrast, racist Nordic mythology rarely consists of organized groups or communities, preferring to operate through an autonomous, loose-knit network of adherents who congregate in prison or online.

A unique concept inside Christian Identity is the "Phineas [sic.] Priesthood." Phineas Priests believe they take been called to exist "God's Holy Warriors" for the white race. The term Phineas Priest is derived from the biblical story of Phineas, which adherents translate equally justifying the killing of interracial couples. Followers have advocated martyrdom and violence confronting homosexuals, mixed-race couples, and abortion providers.

Matt Hale of the Earth Church of the Creator received 40 years in prison for plotting to electrocute a federal judge.

Racial Nordic mysticism is well-nigh commonly embraced by neo-Nazis, racist skinheads and Aryan prison gang members. It is most prolific among younger white supremacists. Odinism and Asatru are the virtually popular Nordic mythological religions among white supremacists. These not-Christian religious philosophies are non inherently racist, just have been exploited and embraced by white supremacists due to their symbolically stiff image of "Aryan" life and Nordic heritage. Aryan prison house gang members may also have another reason for declaring affiliation with Odinism and Asatru due to prison privileges — such equally special dietary needs or extra fourth dimension to worship — given to those inmates who claim membership in a religious group.

Flake Berlet, a former senior annotator at Political Research Associates, points out that some white supremacists may exist attracted to Nordic mythological religions every bit a result of their affinity toward Greek mythology, Celtic lore or involvement in Nazi Germany, whose leaders celebrated Nordic myths and used Nordic symbolism for their epitome of heroic warriors during World War Two. Neo-Nazi groups, such as the National Alliance and Volksfront, have used Norse symbolism, such as the life rune, in their group insignias and propaganda. Racist prison gangs have also been known to write messages and inscribe messages on tattoos using the runic alphabet. "These myths were the basis of Wagner's "Ring" opera bicycle, and influenced Hitler, who merged them with his distorted understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy of the centrality of will and the concept of the Ubermensch, which Hitler turned into the idea of an Aryan 'Master Race,'" says Berlet.

Militia Extremists

The militia movement compares itself to the "Patriots" of the American Revolution in an attempt to "save" the ideals and original intent of the U.S. Constitution and render America to what they perceive to be the country's Judeo-Christian roots. They have adopted some of the symbols associated with the American Revolution, such every bit using the term "Minutemen" in group names, hosting anti-taxation events (much like the Boston Tea Party), celebrating April nineteen — the ceremony date of the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775 — and using the Gadsden Minutemen flag with its revolutionary "Don't Tread on Me" slogan.

Many militia members have a deep respect and reverence for America'due south founding fathers. Their admiration takes on religious overtones, believing the U.S. Constitution was "divinely inspired" and that the founding fathers were actually chosen and led by God to create the United states of america of America. For example, an Indiana Militia Corps' citizenship recruitment pamphlet states, "The Christian faith was the anchor of the founding fathers of these U.s.." The transmission also states, "People of faith, Christians in particular, recognize that God is the source of all things, and that Rights come up from God alone." The militia motion erroneously believes that the principles the founding fathers used to create the U.Southward. Constitution are derived solely from the Bible.

Nine members of the Hutaree militia were arrested in March 2010 for conspiring to set on police officers and blow up their funeral processions.

Antigovernment conspiracy theories and apocalyptic "end times" Biblical prophecies are known to motivate militia members and groups to stockpile food, armament, and weapons. These apocalyptic teachings have also been linked with the radicalization of militia extremist members. For case, 9 members of the Hutaree militia in Lenawee County, Michigan, were arrested in March 2010 for conspiring to set on law officers and accident up their funeral processions. According to the Hutaree, its doctrine is "based on faith and most of all the testimony of Jesus." Charges against all 9 were somewhen dismissed.

On their website, the Hutaree referenced the story of the 10 virgins (Matthew 25: one-12) equally the basis for their being. The verses declare, "The wise ones took plenty oil to terminal the whole night, just in case the bridegroom was tardily. The foolish ones took not enough oil to last the whole nighttime and figured that the bridegroom would arrive earlier than he did." According to the Hutaree, the bridegrooms represented the Christian church building today; the oil represented faith; and, those with enough faith could last through the darkest and most hundred-to-one times, which Hutaree members believed were upon them. Farther, militia members oftentimes reason that defending themselves, their families, and communities against the New World Order is a literal battle between practiced (i.eastward. God) and evil (i.e. Satan or the devil).

The militia move has historically both feared and anticipated a cataclysmic event that could pb to the plummet of the The states. Some militia members believe that such cataclysmic events are based in biblical prophecies. For example, some militia members believe that the and so-called "Anti-Christ" in the last days predicted in the Book of Revelation is a earth leader that unites all nations nether a "one world government" before being exposed equally the agent of Satan. They farther believe that Jesus will battle the Anti-Christ before restoring his kingdom on earth. Militia members cite the cosmos of Communism, the establishment of the United nations, and attacks confronting their Constitutional rights every bit "signs" or "evidence" that the Anti-Christ is actively working to create the "one earth government" predicted in the Bible (due east.g. Book of Revelation). Towards the end of the 1990s, many in the militia motion prepared for the turn of the millennium (e.g. Y2K) due to the impending belief that American society would collapse and consequence in anarchy and social chaos. The failure of the Y2K prophecy left many in the militia movement disillusioned and they left as a result.

More than recently, militia extremists have begun organizing armed protests outside of Islamic centers and mosques fearing a rise in Muslim terrorism, perceived inroad of Sharia law in America and/or out of pure hatred of Muslims and Islam. Some militia extremists have also provided support to gun stores and firing ranges in Arkansas, Florida and Oklahoma that were alleged "Muslim Free Zones" past their owners. These types of activities are meant to harass and intimidate an unabridged faith-based community. They are probable inspired past militia extremists' personal religious views of preserving America as a Christian nation.

Sovereign Citizens

Sovereign denizen extremists believe their doctrine is both inspired and sanctioned by God. Many take their own version of police force that is derived from a combination of the Magna Carta, the Bible, English language common law, and diverse 19th century state constitutions. Fundamental to their statement is the view of a Supreme Being having endowed every person with certain inalienable rights equally stated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, the Nib of Rights, and the Bible.

David Brutsche (L), 42, and Devon Newman, 67, were arrested for allegedly plotting to capture and kill a constabulary officer. Regime say they were part of the anti-government "sovereign citizen" movement.

In particular, since in that location is a strong anti-taxation component to the sovereign citizen move, many adherents employ Biblical passages to justify not paying income or property taxes to the authorities. They well-nigh frequently cite Old Attestation scriptures, which reference paying usury and taking money from the poor, such as Ezekiel 22:12-13, Proverbs 28:8, Deuteronomy 23:19, and Leviticus 25:36-37. Sovereign citizen extremists further cite Nehemiah 9:32-37 to bolster the belief that oppressive taxation results from sin. Also, 1 Kings 12:xiii-19 is used to justify rebellion against the government for oppressive tax.

Sovereign citizen extremists have too been known to avoid paying taxes. They misuse a financial selection chosen "corporation sole." In full general, sovereign citizen extremists misuse the corporation sole (e.m. forming a religious organisation or challenge to be a religious effigy such every bit a pastor or minister) tax exemption to avoid paying income and property taxes. They typically obtain a fake pastoral certification or minister certificate through a postal service-order seminary or other artificial religious school. And then they change their residence to a "church." Courts have routinely rejected this tax abstention tactic equally frivolous, upheld criminal tax evasion convictions against those making or promoting such arguments, and imposed ceremonious penalties for falsely claiming corporation sole status.

Violent Anti-Abortion Extremists

The majority of violent anti-abortion extremist ideology is based on Christian religious beliefs and use of Biblical scripture. A review of violent anti-abortion extremist propaganda online is filled with Biblical references to God and Jesus Christ. Many of the Biblical scriptures quoted in vehement anti-abortion extremist propaganda focus on protecting children, fighting confronting evil doers, and standing up to iniquity or sin.

The ultimate goal of anti-ballgame extremists is to rid the country of the practice of abortion and those who perform and assist in its practice. They use religious and moral behavior to justify violence against abortion providers, their staff, and facilities. Trigger-happy anti-abortion extremists believe that human life begins at conception. For this reason, some equate abortion to murder. Using this logic, they rationalize that those performing abortions are murdering other human beings. Anti-abortion extremists also equate the practice of abortion to a "silent holocaust." Some anti-abortion extremists go every bit far every bit claiming abortion providers are actually "serial killers" and worthy of death. This sentiment is echoed in passages from the Regular army of God (AOG) manual in which they declare that the killing of abortion providers is morally acceptable and justified equally doing God's piece of work.

The AOG perpetuates the belief that violent anti-ballgame extremists literally represent soldiers fighting in God's Army and that a divine power is at the helm of their crusade. "The Army of God is a existent Army, and God is the General and Commander-in-Chief," the AOG says. Their manual further states, "The soldiers, however, do not usually communicate with one some other. Very few have ever met each other. And when they do, each is normally unaware of the other's soldier status."

Robert Dear admitted killing three people at a Planned Parenthood office in Colorado. He called the attack a "righteous crusade."

The AOG as well utilizes religious symbolism in its proper name and logo. The AOG proper name literally compares its adherents to soldiers in battle with Satan. They are fighting a war with Jesus Christ at their side in an endeavor to save the unborn. The AOG logo too includes a white cross (e.g. symbolizing the crucifixion of Christ and his resurrection). The logo has a soldier's helmet hanging off the cross with a flop featuring a lit fuse inside a box. The words "The Army of God" are inscribed over and below the cross and bomb. The AOG besides uses the symbol of a white rose; a reference to the White Rose Banquet, an annual anti-ballgame extremist event organized past convicted ballgame clinic arsonist Michael Bray.

Religious concepts — such equally Christian end times prophecy, millennialism and the belief that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is imminent — play a vital role in the recruitment, radicalization and mobilization of trigger-happy right-wing extremists and their illegal activities in the United States. For example, white supremacists have adopted Christian concepts and Norse mythology into their extremist ideology, grouping rituals and calls for violence. Similarly, sovereign citizens employ God and scriptural interpretation to justify breaking "man-made" laws, circumventing regime regulation, avoiding revenue enhancement, and other criminal acts. Trigger-happy anti-abortion extremists have used Biblical references to create divine edicts from God and Jesus Christ to kill others and destroy property. And militia extremists and groups use religious concepts and scripture to defy the government, break laws, and stockpile food, armament and weapons to hasten or await the finish of the world. As a result, religious concepts and scriptures accept literally been hijacked by correct-wing extremists, who twist religious doctrine and scriptures, to justify threats, criminal behavior and violent attacks.

Faith and scriptural interpretations take played an essential role in armed confrontations between right-wing extremists and the U.S. regime during the 1980s and 1990s (e.g. the Covenant, Sword, Arm of the Lord standoff in 1985, the siege at Ruby Ridge in 1992, and raid and standoff at Waco in 1993) besides as today (east.g. the 2014 Bunkerville standoff and the takeover of the Malheur Wild fauna Refuge in 2016).

These events not only demonstrate extremists rebelling confronting the U.S. authorities and its laws, but besides served as declarations of their perceived divinely inspired and Ramble rights. They also serve as radicalization and recruitment nodes to boost the ranks of white supremacists, militia extremists, sovereign citizens, and other radical anti-government adherents who view the government'due south response to these standoffs as tyrannical and overreaching.


Source: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2018/holy-hate-far-right%E2%80%99s-radicalization-religion

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